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Nov 5, 20101 min read
Republican Victories To Impact Energy Policy
The wave of Republican victories in the recent midterm elections will likely have a large impact on President Obama’s energy policy. The...
Apr 15, 20101 min read
Turkey Voices Opposition to Further Sanctions on Iran
Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu has publicly voiced opposition to further sanctions on Iran meant to inhibit nuclear...
Apr 8, 20101 min read
US shifts focus on Opium from Eradication to Interdiction
The multi-million dollar program instituted by the US toward eradicating the Afghan Opium crop has made nearly no dent in the crop...
Apr 2, 20102 min read
Federal Judge Rules NSA Wiretaps Illegal
Yesterday, a federal judge in the Northern Distinct of California ruled the program of domestic warrantless wiretapping illegal, as it...
Mar 25, 20101 min read
Bin Laden Threatens Mistreatment of Prisoners
In a recently released tape aired on Al-Jazeera, Osama Bin Laden threatened to kill any Americans that Al Qaeda takes prisoner if Khalid...
Mar 18, 20101 min read
Clinton Seeks Arms Reduction Treaty in Moscow
Secretary of State Clinton arrived in Moscow today with hopes of solidifying Russian support of an arms reduction treaty which would...
Mar 4, 20101 min read
Congress Seeks to Extend Federal Court Jurisdiction Over Employees and Civilians Accompanying US Mis
On February 2, bills were presented in both the House of Representatives and Senate which would expand upon the jurisdiction granted...
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