The Taliban in Pakistan claims that their leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, was not killed in a missile attack in North Waziristan launched by the United States earlier this week. As proof, they released a tape, in which the supposed Mehsud “condemned the rumours of his death.”
Although it is believed to be Mehsud’s voice, there is no way to confirm if it was recorded after Thursday’s attack, since he mentions no specific details. Mehsud is known to have previously recorded similar messages after other attempts on his life. Additionally, several intelligence agencies have reported that he is injured, but others report he is most likely dead. And still, Azam Tariq, a Taliban spokesperson, announced that “Hakimullah is alive and safe. I met with him last night, there was not even a scratch on him.” As of today, there is no real confirmation of Mehsud’s status.
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